Le SawInspect System 6 (SIS 6) est un nouveau produit innovant qui permet d'assurer et de contrôler la qualité du sertissage dans l'industrie du traitement du fil métallique.
Schleuniger - SawPolish Unit
Not in stockSCHLEUN-40001012
L'unité SawPolish est un composant du système MicroGraph pour la création d'images en coupe transversale de haute qualité des connexions serties.
Branson Ultrasonic - Scr set brass tip M4x0.7×4 SOC
- Not in stockBRAN-200298368
Scr set brass tip M4x0.7x4 SOC
Branson Ultrasonic - Scr set M6x1x12 SOC STL-B
- Not in stockBRAN-200298365
Scr set M6x1x12 SOC STL-B
Komax - Seal module S1441
Not in stockKMX-0349000
With the S1441 seal module, the insertion of industry-standard seals and mini seals has been significantly increased in terms of processing speed, stability and quality.
Schleuniger - SealCleaner 20
Not in stockSCHLEUN-100000465924
Station de nettoyage des joints
Schleuniger - Sealing Station for CrimpCenter SealLoad 3100
Not in stockSCHLEUN-100000654131
Station de scellage pour CrimpCenter
Schleuniger - Sealing Station for CrimpCenter Series SLU 3000
Brady - Self-Laminating Wire Label Material THT-8-427-10
- Not in stockBRA-030111
Self-Laminating Wire Label Material THT-8-427-10
Komax - Semi-Automatic Modular Machine TM4000
Not in stockCS-a1e53dd8
The TM4000 is a modular machine platform that fills the gap between standardized wire processing machines for individual processing steps and fully automatic production systems specially designed for one specific cable assembly.