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  • Expertise indépendante
  • Les clients nous donnent un 9+
  • Offre étendue
  • Plus de 45 ans d'expérience


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21 résultats affichés

  • Komax - Binding Module DPS 261

    Not in stock KMX-0075667
    The DPS 261 processing system quickly and carefully binds cable rings and other goods with an elastic cord, making it the ideal addition for all coilers.
  • Komax - Binding Module DPS 261

    Not in stock WH-d871b78c
    The DPS 261 processing system quickly and carefully binds cable rings and other goods with an elastic cord, making it the ideal addition for all wrappers.
  • Ramatech - Cable Coiler KR 450 CBP

    Not in stock WH-364afeac
    For quick and efficient cable coiling, with adjustable operating mode.
  • Ramatech - Cable Coiler KRI 450 CB

    Not in stock WH-104bf8bd
    For quick and efficient cable coiling, with a binding unit for manual binding.
  • Ramatech - Cable Coiler KRI 850 CB

    Not in stock WH-13ea663d
    For quick and efficient cable coiling, with a binding unit for manual binding.
  • Ramatech - Cable Coiler KRI 850 CBP

    Not in stock WH-b0489651
    For quick and efficient cable coiling, with adjustable operating mode.
  • Rometsch - Cable Rewinder WTM 1

    Not in stock WH-c4ee7e2a
    Cable winder - Ø 600 with hood
  • Schleuniger - CableCoiler 1300

    14.284,24 - Not in stock SCHLEUN-100000410470
    Le CableCoiler 1300 est un enrouleur de câble autonome, entièrement synchronisé et très performant pour les machines à couper et à dénuder Schleuniger.
  • Schleuniger - CableCoiler 1450

    Not in stock SCHLEUN-103531000003
    Le CableCoiler 1450 est un système d'enroulement à bac unique utilisé pour enrouler des fils, des câbles ou des tubes. Il se caractérise par une conception rotative avec des broches mobiles pour s'adapter aux différents diamètres d'enroulement.
  • Schleuniger - CableCoiler 500

    Not in stock SCHLEUN-1000CXMCC500
    La CableCoiler 500 est une machine à enrouler légère et économique, à un seul bac, utilisée pour enrouler du fil ou du câble.
  • Cylcop - Elastic binder AXRO FQC2

    Not in stock CYK-87101702
    The AXRO FQC2 is the latest development in modern binding technology.
  • Cylcop - Elastic binder AXRO IN-2

    Not in stock CYK-86110006
    Elastic binder for ring-shaped products
  • Ulmer - Twin Station Cable Coiler DTW 400

    Not in stock ULM-DTW400T
    The motor driven and fully synchronized cable coiler DTW400 has been developed for the in-line production with cutting machines and stripping units.
  • Komax - Wire Coiler DPS 272

    Not in stock KMX-0081000
    With its dual drum design, the DPS 272 coiler can wind up excessively long wires. The device thus ensures orderly production and facilitates transport and further processing.
  • Komax - Wire Deposit System DPS 375

    Not in stock KMX-0083000
    With its mobile frame and active wire ejection, the dps 375 deposit system with programmable batch separation is perfect for use with the Kappa 3xx family.
  • Schleuniger - WireStacker 1000

    Not in stock SCHLEUN-100CXMWS1000
    Le WireStacker 1000 est un système passif d'empilage de fils qui guide et collecte les fils qui ont été traités avec des machines à couper et à dénuder Schleuniger.
  • Schleuniger - WireStacker 3150

    Not in stock SCHLEUN-200000000139
    Le WireStacker 3150 est un empileur de fils haute performance pour l'empilage axial et précis de câbles.
  • Ramatech - Cable Coiler KRI 450 C

    Not in stock WH-f1979f89
    For quick and efficient cable coiling
  • Ramatech - Cable Coiler KRI 850 C

    Not in stock RAM-40620
    For quick and efficient cable coiling
  • Rometsch - Cable Rewinder WTM 2

    Not in stock ROME-10397
    Universal cable winder
  • Ulmer - Delivery tray AL1500 – 15000

    Not in stock WH-96cd3bbb
    The delivery tray of the AL-range comes into process as an electro-pneumatic delivery system, for example in-line with cutting machines of the SM15-range or in-line with stripping machines.