Surface Mount Tooling


Compliant SMT Support Tooling for PCB

Surface Mount Tooling


Compliant SMT Support Tooling for PCB

Prix ​​sur demande

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    • Expertise indépendante
    • Les clients nous donnent un 9+
    • Offre étendue
    • Plus de 45 ans d'expérience

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      • Expertise indépendante
      • Les clients nous donnent un 9+
      • Offre étendue
      • Plus de 45 ans d'expérience

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      Contact us

      Besoin d'un contact direct avec un représentant commercial?

      Nick Janssen

      Product specialist

        Or leave your details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

        • Expertise indépendante
        • Les clients nous donnent un 9+
        • Offre étendue
        • Plus de 45 ans d'expérience
        • Expertise indépendante
        • Les clients nous donnent un 9+
        • Offre étendue
        • Plus de 45 ans d'expérience
        UGS : APP-14f8a3c3 Catégories : , ,


        EASE OF USE

        The basic option for most PCB manufacturers is to use standard magnet based support pins to support their circuit boards during screen printing and component placement. This may be less expensive, but is very unreliable and operator dependent – costing manufacturers valuable time. With Quik-tool, what used to take 10-20 minutes now can be accomplished in under 30 seconds.


        Quik-tool is the ideal option for manufacturers who require a high level of changeover for low volume/high mix production. Quik-tool will increase the throughput of your lines, since operators will not be spending time setting the pins in the right locations.


        Quik-tool runs in both automatic and manual mode, eliminating the need to make manual adjustments when changing out modules. It runs on the most simple and reliable control system available, so maintenance worries are a thing of the past.


        We’ve increased the holding force per pin by 400% over the competition, and high-density pin pitch comes standard with Quik-tool. Our pins have more support area, and since we use heavier pins, they will drop easier after reset. We have also isolated the the pistons from the pin shaft to significantly reduce maintenance intervals.

        EASE OF USE

        The basic option for most PCB manufacturers is to use standard magnet based support pins to support their circuit boards during screen printing and component placement. This may be less expensive, but is very unreliable and operator dependent – costing manufacturers valuable time. With Quik-tool, what used to take 10-20 minutes now can be accomplished in under 30 seconds.


        Quik-tool is the ideal option for manufacturers who require a high level of changeover for low volume/high mix production. Quik-tool will increase the throughput of your lines, since operators will not be spending time setting the pins in the right locations.


        Quik-tool runs in both automatic and manual mode, eliminating the need to make manual adjustments when changing out modules. It runs on the most simple and reliable control system available, so maintenance worries are a thing of the past.


        We’ve increased the holding force per pin by 400% over the competition, and high-density pin pitch comes standard with Quik-tool. Our pins have more support area, and since we use heavier pins, they will drop easier after reset. We have also isolated the the pistons from the pin shaft to significantly reduce maintenance intervals.