• Onafhankelijke expertise
  • Klanten geven ons een 9+
  • Uitgebreid aanbod
  • Meer dan 45 jaar ervaring
  • Onafhankelijke expertise
  • Klanten geven ons een 9+
  • Uitgebreid aanbod
  • Meer dan 45 jaar ervaring

Toont alle 15 resultaten

  • Saki - 2D Automated Optical Inspection Machine

    2D geautomatiseerde optische inspectiemachine
  • Saki - 3D Automated optical inspection 3Di-LS2 / LD2

    PCB's van groot formaat Enkele baan / dubbele baan
  • Saki - 3D Automated optical inspection 3Di-MS2 / MD2

    PCB's van medium formaat Enkele baan / dubbele baan
  • Saki - 3D Automated optical inspection 3Di-ZS2

    PCB's van zeer groot formaat Enkele baan / dubbele baan
  • Saki - 3D Automated optical inspection L Dual Lane 3Di-LD3

    Saki’s 3Di Series applies cutting edge technologies to improve production efficiency and enhance production quality across the entire assembly line.
  • Saki - 3D Automated optical inspection L Single Lane 3Di-LS3

    Saki’s 3Di Series applies cutting edge technologies to improve production efficiency and enhance production quality across the entire assembly line.
  • Saki - 3D Automated optical inspection M Dual Lane 3Di-MD3

    Saki’s 3Di Series applies cutting edge technologies to improve production efficiency and enhance production quality across the entire assembly line.
  • Saki - 3D Automated optical inspection M Single Lane 3Di-MS3

    Saki’s 3Di Series applies cutting edge technologies to improve production efficiency and enhance production quality across the entire assembly line.
  • Saki - 3D Automated optical inspection XL Single Lane 3Di-ZS3

    Saki’s 3Di Series applies cutting edge technologies to improve production efficiency and enhance production quality across the entire assembly line.
  • Saki - 3D Solder Paste Inspection 3Si-LS2 / 3Si-LD2

    Medium size PCB's Single Lane / Dual Lane
  • Saki - 3D Solder paste inspection L 3Si-LS2 / LD2

    Large size PCB's Single Lane / Dual Lane
  • Saki - 3D Solder paste inspection XL 3Si-ZS2

    Extra Large PCB's Single Lane
  • Saki - Automated Optical Inspection Sirius

    Tweedehandsmachine Saki Sirius
  • Saki - In-line automated 3D X-ray inspection system 3Xi-M110

    Inline 3D-CT geautomatiseerde X-ray inspectiesystemen
  • Saki - In-line automated 3D X-ray inspection system 3Xi-M200

    Inline 3D X-ray inspectiemachine voor vermogensmodule