• Onafhankelijke expertise
  • Klanten geven ons een 9+
  • Uitgebreid aanbod
  • Meer dan 45 jaar ervaring
  • Onafhankelijke expertise
  • Klanten geven ons een 9+
  • Uitgebreid aanbod
  • Meer dan 45 jaar ervaring

Toont alle 10 resultaten

  • Batch solder system MRO250

    7.584,00 - Not in stock FRI-903250
    The MRO250 handle a board size of up to 350 x 250 mm and is easy to transport thanks to its low weight and handy dimensions.
  • Fritsch - Manual Pick & Place Machine LM900

    The LM900 is the basic system of our manual manipulator series.
  • Fritsch - Manual Pick & Place Machine LM901

    The LM901 is the entry model of our modular-built systems.
  • Fritsch - Manual Pick & Place Machine LM901XL

    The LM901XL is 200 mm larger than the LM901 in both the X-direction and the Y-direction.
  • Fritsch - Manual Pick & Place Machine LMinline

    The LMinline is the intelligent combination of the proven LM901 manipulator and the inspection conveyor.
  • Fritsch - Manual Pick & Place Machine MP904

    The universal assemblystationMP904 combines the easy and flexible operation of a manipulator with the high standards of exact placing of Fine-Pitch components.
  • Fritsch - Manual Pick & Place Machine SM902

    Our semi-automatic manipulator SM902eliminates wrong placements and relieves the user as reading the assembly plan isn't necessary anymore.
  • Fritsch - Manual Pick & Place Machine SM902pro

    The SM902professional offers - besides 100% placement security and a great deal of comfort for the user - a higher assembly output than the other LM or SM systems.
  • Fritsch - Manual Pick & Place Machine SM902proXL

    The SM902professionalXL offers - besides 100% placement security and a great deal of comfort for the user - a higher assembly output than the other LM or SM systems.
  • Asscon - Vapor Phase Soldering Machine VP510
