Scienscope - Scienscope MAC3-PK5D-E2D


The new MAC3 Ergonomic Digital Inspection system is the next step in evolving our robust digital/video inspection systems.

Scienscope - Scienscope MAC3-PK5D-E2D


The new MAC3 Ergonomic Digital Inspection system is the next step in evolving our robust digital/video inspection systems.

3.388,14 - Not in stock

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      • Onafhankelijke expertise
      • Klanten geven ons een 9+
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      • Meer dan 45 jaar ervaring
      • Onafhankelijke expertise
      • Klanten geven ons een 9+
      • Uitgebreid aanbod
      • Meer dan 45 jaar ervaring
      Artikelnummer: SNC-MAC3PK5DE2D Categorieën: , , ,


      The revolutionary MAC3 series from Scienscope merges the latest in HD video technology with the most precise macro video optics to provide an easy-to-use ergonomic inspection system for your most fatiguing and demanding-to-see quality processes. Now the choice between live HD monitor inspection and high-resolution USB camera capture and annotation is made at the camera, not between cameras.

      Package contents

      • MACRO video zoom optics (up to 40x magnification with 8″” working distance) on dual arm boom stand
      • 1080p HD camera
      • 12″”  LCD monitor combination with diffused compact LED ring light. (IL-LED-E2D).
      • All systems include camera/monitor combo with 8GB SD card, wireless mouse, USB cable, power supply, and image capture software.

      The revolutionary MAC3 series from Scienscope merges the latest in HD video technology with the most precise macro video optics to provide an easy-to-use ergonomic inspection system for your most fatiguing and demanding-to-see quality processes. Now the choice between live HD monitor inspection and high-resolution USB camera capture and annotation is made at the camera, not between cameras.

      Package contents

      • MACRO video zoom optics (up to 40x magnification with 8″” working distance) on dual arm boom stand
      • 1080p HD camera
      • 12″”  LCD monitor combination with diffused compact LED ring light. (IL-LED-E2D).
      • All systems include camera/monitor combo with 8GB SD card, wireless mouse, USB cable, power supply, and image capture software.