Panel Building Day on Tour | Theory meets Practice

24.10.2023 TOT 24.10.2023 CABLI, A. Stocletlaan 208, 2570 Duffel

We can tell you many great success stories about automation in panel building.
But even better would be to see a success story with your own eyes!This is possible at the first edition of PANEELBOUWDAG ON TOUR | Theory meets Practice!


Where do we take you?

CABLI in Duffel (BE) has been working on optimisation in wire production for many years.

Discover in practice how they are wiring a cabinet anno 2023 with non-technically skilled employees.

Learn all about the advantages of a fully automatic wire machine.

You don’t want to miss this free interesting session, do you?



Date: 24 October 2023
Location: CABLI, A. Stocletlaan 208, 2570 Duffel
Start: 10:00
End: around 15:00

Lunch included.


After this learning session…

  • you know how fully automatic wire processing machines are used in a high-tech environment
  • you can efficiently deploy employees without technical knowledge
  • create a control cabinet without using a wiring schematic
  • shorten your lead time

Convinced? Then register quickly, because places are very limited.

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