Panel Building Day

The way to a successful future in panel building
Innovations define the future.
As a builder of control cabinets and control panels, you realise this all too well.
Manual processing of wires takes time, and no entrepreneur today can afford to waste time.
Are you aware of the high-quality solutions to automate in panel building?
Smans can help you take a big step towards innovation and automation.
That is why we invite you to our Technology Centre for our Panel Building Day on 26 April 2023.
In half a day you will learn how wire sets can be produced at high speed and with better quality. Discover how your staff, with and without qualifications, can be used more efficiently in this process.
The program
Part 1 | Data creation & optimization in wire production
Controlling Komax’s fully automatic wire processing machines requires data. So what are the things you need to set up in any Engineering software? How should you enrich the existing schematics and data to have all the inputs for the POSSS software?
- Schedule drawing: How to get all the information correct in the schedule?
- Designing in 3D: What are the operations you need to do in 3D? What about separation of certain signals and how to determine the finish of a wire?
- Data export: What is the necessary data for the POSSS Software and Komax? And how do we get it out of the software in a standard way?
- Jeroen De Bleecker | POSSS
- Roy van Alphen | Smans
- Timmy Peereboom | IGE+XAO
Part 2 | Demo flexible fully automatic machines in our showroom
- Zeta 620: the functionalities of Zeta 630/640 in a compact format
- Tube marking: automatic printing and application of tubes / sleeves with the Zeta 6xx
- Zeta 630 fully automatic cutting – stripping – printing and finishing with wire end sleeve. This flexible fully automatic machine processes 36 different wires into structured wire sets that can be assembled by an unskilled assembler.
There will be an opportunity for lunch before or after this program.
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