Panel Building Day on Tour | Theory meets Practice

We can tell you many great success stories about automation in panel building.
But even better would be to see a success story with your own eyes!This is possible at the first edition of PANEELBOUWDAG ON TOUR | Theory meets Practice!
Where do we take you?
CABLI in Duffel (BE) has been working on optimisation in wire production for many years.
Discover in practice how they are wiring a cabinet anno 2023 with non-technically skilled employees.
Learn all about the advantages of a fully automatic wire machine.
You don’t want to miss this free interesting session, do you?
Date: 24 October 2023
Location: CABLI, A. Stocletlaan 208, 2570 Duffel
Start: 10:00
End: around 15:00
Lunch included.
After this learning session…
- you know how fully automatic wire processing machines are used in a high-tech environment
- you can efficiently deploy employees without technical knowledge
- create a control cabinet without using a wiring schematic
- shorten your lead time
Convinced? Then register quickly, because places are very limited.